Why a Vendor Should Join the Connection
Get the ACCESS you need to grow your business and increase distribution!
At OmegaNet CONNECTION, our goal is to help you SELL MORE products. To sell more, we know that you need ACCESS:
- Access to retailers’ that want to buy your products
- Access to services that can save thousands of dollars
- Access to banner ads that reach 1000s of buyers
- Access to e-mail blasts that are targeted to a specific purchasers asking to see your type of products
- See below for full list of member benefits
Our Goal is to increase the profit margins for BOTH the Vendors AND Retailers. If we work together, we can build a better, stronger Industry.
OmegaNet provides the access you have always wanted but could not find. To join OmegaNet Connection, click “Connect Now!” Already a member? Login.

With the included advertising and promotion that your company will receive by being a member of OmegaNet Connection, it will most likely receive more retail store traffic, more sales and save on many of its business expenses.
Member access includes:
Begin Saving Immediately!
Member ACCESS includes: | Value |
Free Semi-Annual 10,000-Store Email Ad to Company's Direct Website: (Reg. $575 ea) | $1,150 |
Free Listing in Wholesale Portal ($25 / mo) | $300 |
Free SEO Audit | $99 |
Free Total Website Audit Report for Traffic, Keywords, SEO by 3rd party. | $2,500 |
Free Website Keywords / Phrase Look-up list | $180 |
TOTAL | $4,229 |
Get Direct ACCESS to Retailers Looking for Your Products | Priceless |
Lower Credit Card Processing Fees (guaranteed or $250) | Potential $1,000s in Savings |
Ship More, Pay Less (Free Audit of UPS / FedEx) | Potential $1,000s in Savings |
Free SEO Tips | |
Free Google-My-Business Tips | |
FREE Private Facebook Group | |
Free Monthly Industry Webinars | |
FREE Networking at Markets | |
And many more discounts! | |
Low Monthly Membership Fee - 3 Months Free |
What are you waiting for?